This year has been a great year to learn more about your own finances, how to start your own business, manage your finances and be savvy while doing so, according to Madame Noire Business. From small business tips on how to create your own mobile app as a small business to tips on preparing for the next tax season, MN Biz has informed, introduced and changed the way we see the business and financial part of our lives. Yesterday, we took a look at the big issues we covered over the past six months. Today, we look back on some of the best business advice from Madame Noire in 2012.

10. It?s the one part of an interview we always forget to prepare for: ?Do you have any questions for us?? We?ve prepared our answers to anything the interviewer might send our way. But then we choke, with nothing to ask in return, making it look as if we?ve done no research about the position, or even the company.?
This may be a simple piece of advice for interviewing for your next job, but Julia Austin dives in more with some great questions to ask your interviewer from her June article 10 Job Interview Questions That Will Make An Impression. Some of the questions suggested are different than the usual ?Who are you looking for in an employee?? type of questions and are great talking points in order to get the job you want during the interview process, like ?What sort of results/outcome is hoped for for the company and/or from this position.? This article is one of our most popular stories on MN Biz, with over 178,000 views.
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Source: http://madamenoire.com/245955/the-top-10-business-tips-of-2012-from-madame-noire-biz/
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